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Andrew Parker Bowles Prinzessin Anne

Princess Anne and Andrew Parker Bowles's Secret Affair

The Crown's portrayal of Princess Anne and Andrew Parker Bowles's affair has sparked renewed interest in the real-life relationship between the two.

Here's a look at what we know about their rumored romance.

Princess Anne and Andrew Parker Bowles first met in the 1970s, and they quickly became close friends. In 1973, Parker Bowles married Camilla Shand, but the couple divorced in 1995. After their divorce, Parker Bowles and Princess Anne were rumored to have had an affair.

The Crown's third season suggests that Princess Anne and Parker Bowles did have a brief affair in the 1980s. However, there is no concrete evidence to support this claim. Both Princess Anne and Parker Bowles have denied the affair, and there are no known witnesses who can corroborate the story.

Despite the lack of evidence, the rumors of an affair between Princess Anne and Parker Bowles have persisted for decades. Some people believe that the affair did happen, while others believe that it is simply a rumor that has been perpetuated by the media.

The truth about Princess Anne and Parker Bowles's relationship may never be known. However, the rumors of an affair have certainly added to the intrigue of their story.

In 1992, Princess Anne married Timothy Laurence. The couple is still married today. Parker Bowles married Rosemary Pitman in 2005. The couple is still married today.

Princess Anne and Parker Bowles are still friends today. Parker Bowles is even godfather to Princess Anne's daughter, Zara.
